Duration: 29 minutes
Equipment: Scarf Box
Presenters: Des Helu, Lucy Helu
1. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
Time To Go To Bed performed by Jazmine Howard
2. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
The Space Book performed by Jazmine Howard
3. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
Thinkman And His Spaceship performed by Jamie Thompson/Dave Phaneuf
4. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
Astronaut performed by Elin El-Khoury
5. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
Weightless performed by Jazmine Howard
6. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
Aliens performed by Jazmine Howard
7. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
Laijka The Space Dog performed by Chayenne
8. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
Watch Out performed by Jazmine Howard
9. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
For A Fitter Planet performed by Jazmine Howard
10. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
Stars In The Sky performed by Elin El-Khoury
11. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
Floating In Space performed by Jazmine Howard
12. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
Universe performed by John Soul
13. Short Themed Scripted Exercises
Dancing Robot performed by Jazmine Howard
14. Exercises in a Circle
Back To Earth performed by John Soul
15. Exercises in a Circle
Get Behind Me 1 performed by Jazmine Howard
16. Scarf box
The One For You performed by Instrumental
BORN TO MOVE #30 Relaxation
Duration: 05 minutes
Equipment: None required
Presenters: Grace Stevens1. Relaxation
Balissi performed by Year Of The Deer -
BORN TO MOVE #29 (4-5) Gardening
Duration: 30 minutes
Equipment: Scarf Box
Presenters: Lucy Helu, Des Helu1. Open My Window performed by John Soul
2. Morning Gymnastics performed by Jazmine Howard
3. Time To Get Dressed performed by Jazmine Howard
4. Gardening performed by Jazmine Howard
5. Rudy The Woodpecker performed b...
BORN TO MOVE #29 (4-5) The Jungle
Duration: 18 minutes
Equipment: Scarf Box
Presenters: Lucy Helu, Des Helu1. Jungle Song performed by Chayenne Chanjamnong/John Soul
2. Birds On Holiday performed by Jazmine Howard/Elin El-Khoury
3. Disco Sound (Short Version) performed by Chayenne Chanjamnong
4. Zam The Magician performed b...