Audio Workouts

Audio Workouts

6 Seasons

Grab your headphones and tune in to motivational audio workouts.

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Audio Workouts
  • LES MILLS RUN Warm-Up + Running Tips with Ben

    Episode 1

    Join Ben for a warmup and five tips to help you improve your running technique.

  • LES MILLS RUN #01 Start Running with Rach

    Episode 2

    Duration: 16 minutes
    Level: Beginner
    Trainer: Rachael Newsham
    Equipment: Treadmill (optional)

    In this short and sweet intro workout you go as fast as you want and as far as you want – which is key to feeling successful. Running can be hard if you try to run too hard, too fast, or too far, too s...

  • LES MILLS RUN #02 Start Running with Rach

    Episode 3

    Duration: 19 minutes
    Level: Beginner
    Trainer: Rachael Newsham
    Equipment: Treadmill (optional)

    This second step in your introduction to running involves a warmup followed by two steady-state tracks and a focus on building pace. Then there’s a series of short bursts to wrap up. Rach helps you use...

  • LES MILLS RUN #03 Get Comfortable Running with Marlon

    Episode 4

    Duration: 20 minutes
    Level: Beginner
    Trainer: Marlon Woods
    Equipment: Treadmill (optional)

    If you’re new to running you’ll really enjoy this introductory session. Marlon provides guidance and tips on technique, body alignment, breathing, and rate of perceived exertion. You will journey through ...

  • LES MILLS RUN #04 with Marlon: Get In The Groove

    Episode 5

    Duration: 19 minutes
    Level: Intermediate
    Trainer: Marlon Woods
    Equipment: Treadmill (optional)

    This run workout is perfect if you have done one or two introductory run sessions. During this run there is less cueing and more space so you can find your own stride in the music and really get lost ...

  • LES MILLS RUN #05 Find Your Power with Ben

    Episode 6

    Duration: 21 minutes
    Level: Intermediate
    Trainer: Ben Main
    Equipment: Treadmill (optional)

    Take your running to the next level when you attack this short interval-based run workout. Ben guides you to focus on hip drive which helps increase glute activation and maximize your running power.


  • LES MILLS RUN #07 Hit The Hills with Ben

    Episode 7

    Duration: 16 minutes
    Level: Intermediate
    Trainer: Ben Main
    Equipment: Treadmill (optional)

    Now’s your chance to hit the hills hard. Using interval training and a steady incline on the treadmill you explore hill running techniques.

    Music tracks:
    Great performed by Swimnaked
    Hot Legs performed b...

  • LES MILLS RUN #06 Increase Your Power with Ben

    Episode 8

    Duration: 14 minutes
    Level: Intermediate
    Trainer: Ben Main
    Equipment: Treadmill (optional)

    Run a new challenge as you push your interval training with longer challenge sets. Here Ben brings the focus to your arm power and guides you to improve your overall technique.

    Music tracks:
    In The End ...

  • LES MILLS RUN #08 Circuit Challenge with Erin

    Episode 9

    Duration: 28 minutes
    Level: Intermediate/Advanced
    Trainer: Erin Maw
    Equipment: Treadmill

    Get set to sweat with three 4- to 5-minute circuit challenges and two 2-minute hill climbs. This run taps into your fast-twitch fibers to build explosive power and challenge your fitness threshold. It’s a g...

  • LES MILLS RUN #09 Fartlek Training Run with Erin

    Episode 10

    Duration: 29 minutes
    Level: Intermediate/Advanced
    Trainer: Erin Maw
    Equipment: Treadmill (optional)

    Take to the treadmill or venture outdoors and discover the popular Fartlek approach to run training. During this workout you move from steady-state into high-intensity zones to challenge and bui...