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Invincible Workout #13

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Up Next in 28 Days to Invincible

  • Invincible Workout #13

    Duration: 33 minutes
    Equipment: none required
    Presenters: Dan Cohen, Rachael Newsham, Tauvaga Siolo, Jon Kin Chew

    Today’s workout builds on everything you have learned so far and adds some core conditioning to the mix.

    Kalm performed by Samastah
    MOVES: Crunch, Front Stance ...

  • Invincible Workout #14

    Duration: 45 minutes
    Equipment: none required
    Presenters: Dan Cohen, Rachael Newsham, Marlon Woods, Alex Sanchez, Erin Maw, Caley Jäck, Reagan Kang

    Go for the knockout today in your final workout, with 7 tracks of mixed martial arts-inspired magic, including a taste of Muay Thai.

    1. UPPER BODY...

  • Invincible Week 4 Wrap

    BODYCOMBAT Invincible - week four wrap