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Meditation on acceptance
Duration: 12 minutes
Diana Archer Mills will teach you a short practice that uses breath and positive body awareness to enhance your state of peace and wellbeing.
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MEDITATION #04 Meditation On Acceptan...
Esta sesión te enseñará una breve práctica que usa la respiración y la conciencia corporal para mejorar tu estado de bienestar.
MEDITATION #05 Work to Home State Change
Work to home state change
Duration: 9 minutes
Presenter: Diana Archer Mills
Discover a short guided practice to transition your mindset from the busyness of the day to the calmness of your home space. -
MEDITATION #05 Work To Home State Cha...
Descubre una breve práctica guiada que te ayude a transitar de la actividad frenética del día a la calma de tu hogar.