Duración: 28 minutos
Material: Esterilla de yoga (opcional)
Instructores: Elena Fernandez, Khiran Huston, Luke Woolliscroft, Ann-See Yeoh, Daniel Moheb Choucri, Emilee Wilson, Eileen Post, Katharina Zorandy, Kylie Gates, Barbara Stroup, Grégoire Rouxel, Deidre Douglas, Luca Callini, Cambria Camillo Smith, Oriel Alvarez, María Bottaniz, Antonio Jiménez, Eleni Ioannou
Danger interpretada por Vauden que popularizó Slaters feat. Toulouse
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Hip Bridge Sequence, Horse Stance, Cat Pose, Cow Pose, Bear Pose, Forward Fold, Forward Fold with Twist and Heel Lift, Extended Mountain Sequence, Flat Back Extend
For Whatever It's Worth interpretada por Dan Draper
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Chest Stretch, Sun Salutations Sequence, Extended Mountain Pose, Forward Fold, Lunge, Down Dog, Plank Pose, Crocodile Pose, Cat Pose, Baby Cobra Pose, Kneeling Lunge Twist
Physical In My Bedroom interpretada por Nik Brinkman
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Chest Stretch, Moon Salutations Sequence, Extended Mountain Pose, Hands to heart center, Side Bend, Wide Squat, Triangle Pose, Kneeling Lunge, Pyramid Pose, Side Crouching Lunge
Dreamer interpretada por Clear Cut Spirals que popularizó Dermot Kennedy
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Mountain Pose, Triangle Sequence, Triangle Pose, Sun Warrior Pose, Wide Squat
Somebody To Love interpretada por Narkone que popularizó Queen
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Intense Pose, Extended Mountain Pose, Heel Lift, Intense Pose With Heel Lift, Divers Pose, Dancers Pose, Star Pose
Love You Right Back interpretada por Deanz
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Knees Over Hips, Alternate Toe Tap, Double Toe Tap, Legs Extend to 45 degrees, C-Crunch, Triple Pulse Crunch, Shoot Out
Machine interpretada por Bishu feat. Mister Blonde
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Waiters Bow, Shoulder Shrug, Diagonal Pointer, Double Pulse with Side Crunch, Plank Pose, Bear Pose, Scorpion Pose, Plank Sequence, Childs Pose
Up Next in Strength
BODYBALANCE #99 Strength Short
Duration: 12 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Eileen Post, Katharina Zorandy, Kylie Gates, Barbara Stroup, Grégoire Rouxel, Bram Halim, Carla Williams, Rhian Toates1. SUN SALUTATIONS
Physical In My Bedroom performed by Nik Brinkman
Moves: Chest Stretch, Moon Salutations Sequence, Extend... -
BODYBALANCE #99 Strength Short - Español
Duración: 12 minutos
Material: Esterilla de yoga (opcional)
Instructores: Eileen Post, Katharina Zorandy, Kylie Gates, Barbara Stroup, Grégoire Rouxel, Bram Halim, Carla Williams, Rhian Toates1. SUN SALUTATIONS
Physical In My Bedroom interpretada por by Nik Brinkman
Movimientos (de ejercicio): ... -
BODYBALANCE #98 Strength
Duration: 35 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Kylie Gates, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Summer Bradley, Yayoi Matches1. YOGA WARM-UP
Eloise performed by Vionos made famous by Penny and Sparrow
Moves: Extended Mountain Pose, Side Bend, Baby Back Bend, Forward Fold, Lunge Sequence, Kneelin...