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BODYPUMP #114 Metabolic Blast


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  • BODYPUMP #114 Upper Body

    Duration: 37 minutes
    Equipment: Barbell, Weight Plates, Step/Bench
    Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Ben Main, Kylie Gates, René Vogel, Diana Archer Mills

    1. WARM - UP
    This Groove performed by House Emotion made famous by Oliver Heldens & LENNO
    Moves: Deadlift, Upright Row, High Pull, Clean & Press,...

  • BODYPUMP #114 Upper Body Short

    Duration: 18 minutes
    Equipment: Barbell, Step/Bench, Weight Plates
    Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Kylie Gates, Ben Main, René Vogel

    1. CHEST
    Wopbabalubop Bulapbub Boom performed by Blaze Sir made famous by Kool Hertz
    Moves: Chest Press, Walking Bench Pushup, Bench Pushup, Plyo Pushup, Mountain Cl...

  • BODYPUMP #114 Upper Body Short - Español

    Duración: 18 minutos
    Material: Barra, Step ajustable, Discos
    Instructores: Glen Ostergaard, Kylie Gates, Ben Main, René Vogel

    1. CHEST
    Wopbabalubop Bulapbub Boom interpretada por Blaze Sir que popularizó Kool Hertz
    Movimientos (de ejercicio): Chest Press, Walking Bench Pushup, Bench Pushup, Ply...