Duration: 53 minutes
Equipment: Barbell, Step/Bench, Weights
Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Marlon Woods, Khiran Huston, Vili Fifita, Ben Main, Diana Archer Mills, Kaylah-Blayr Fitzsimons-Nu'u, Kayla Atkins-Gordine, Des Helu
Bad At Being Alone performed by Imagine Wagons made famous by Codeko
Moves: Wide Deadlift, Wide Upright Row, Wide High Pull, Deadrow, Triple Deadrow, Clean & Press., Front Squat, Triple Plate Deadrow, Plate Clean & Press, Plate Front Squat, Alt Backward-Stepping Lunge
Tell Me You Love Me performed by Brighter Pool made famous by Demi Lovato
Moves: Pause Squat, Pulse Squat, Squat, Pulse Squat with Calf Raise, Barbell Front Squat, Hold
This Is My World performed by Near Whisper Revenge made famous by Esterly feat. Austin Jenckes
Moves: Chest Press, Staggered Chest Press, Pulse Chest Press, Bench Pushup, Staggered Bench Pushup, Pulse Bench Pushup, Hold, Combination, Alt Straight Leg Lift
Mula performed by Born With Teeth made famous by Eliminate
Moves: Deadlift, Deadrow, Set Position, Triple Deadrow, Clean & Press., Triple Split Plate Row, Combination, Combination 1, Wide Deadlift, Wide Deadrow, Combination 2, Wide Triple Deadrow, Wide High Pull
Feeling Alive performed by Ironic Not Iconic made famous by Earl St. Clair
Moves: Standing O/H Tricep Extension, Combination 1, Tricep Dip, Combination 2, Combination 3, Seated O/H Tricep Extension
Drip performed by The Barracuda Straight Legs made famous by Boombox Cartel & Dillon Francis feat. Desiigner
Moves: Bicep Plate Curl, Combination 1, Alt Single Arm Bicep Plate Curl, Combination 2, Bicep Plate Row, Barbell Bicep Curl, Combination 3, Combination 4, Triple Mid-Range Pulse
Dura performed by Edible Jenga made famous by Daddy Yankee
Moves: Plate Front Squat, Combination 1, Pulse Plate Front Squat, Lunge, Combination 2, Pulse Lunge
Winter Is Coming performed by Snow Hotel made famous by CloZee
Moves: Split Rear Raise, Combination 1, Rotator Raise, Side Raise, Combination 2, Standing Shoulder Press
Rotate performed by Alignment made famous by Becky G & Burna Boy
Moves: C-Crunch, Alt Cross Crawl, Hover, Side Hover With Rotation
Beautiful Mistakes performed by Rose Gully made famous by Maroon 5 feat. Megan Thee Stallion
Moves: Childs Pose, Cat, Cow Pose Sequence, Hip Flexor Stretch, Kneeling Hamstring Stretch, Kneeling Chest Stretch, Standing Quadricep Stretch, Shoulder Roll
Up Next in 55 Mins
BODYPUMP #118 55 min - Español
Duración: 53 minutos
Material: Barra, Step ajustable, Discos
Instructores: Glen Ostergaard, Marlon Woods, Khiran Huston, Vili Fifita, Ben Main, Diana Archer Mills, Kaylah-Blayr Fitzsimons-Nu'u, Kayla Atkins-Gordine, Des Helu1. WARM-UP
Bad At Being Alone interpretada por Imagine Wagons que popu... -
BODYPUMP #117 55 min
Duration: 53 minutes
Equipment: Barbell, Weights, Step/Bench
Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Diana Archer Mills, Ben Main, Kylie Gates1. WARM-UP
Heaven On My Mind performed by Tip Top Tape made famous by Becky Hill & Sigala
Moves: Deadlift, Upright Row, Shoulder Roll, Deadrow, Triple Deadrow,... -
BODYPUMP #117 55 min - Español
Duración: 53 minutes
Material: Barra, Discos, Step ajustable
Instructores: Glen Ostergaard, Diana Archer Mills, Ben Main, Kylie Gates1. WARM-UP
Heaven On My Mind interpretada por Tip Top Tape que popularizó Becky Hill & Sigala
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Deadlift, Upright Row, Shoulder Ro...