Duration: 32 minutes
Equipment: Barbell, Hand weights, Bench or step
Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Honey Wu, Hope Bowie, Amy Lu, Des Helu, Levi Farrell, Anthony Oxford, Charlotte Ranque, Maxime Vigeant, Lula Slaughter
Don't Forget My Love performed by Team Geist made famous by Diplo & Miguel
Moves: Deadlift, Upright Row, Triple Deadrow, Clean & Press, Squat, Plate Curl Press, Alternate Backward-Stepping Lunge
When I'm Gone performed by Michael Wilder made famous by PEEKABOO feat. XAELO
Moves: Squat, Squat Combo, Bottom Half Pulse Squat
GOKU performed by Blue Days made famous by Jaden
Moves: Chest Press, Pulse Chest Press, A-Press, Pulse A-Press
Anywhere performed by Alabama Road Rage made famous by MRVLZ
Moves: Wide Deadlift, Clean & Press, Power Press, Plate Sumo Deadlift, Plate Clean & Press
Too Easy performed by oomiee
Moves: Cross Crawl, C-Crunch with Pike Combination, Rotating Side Hover, Side Hover Pulse
High on a Ladder performed by oomiee
Moves: Childs Pose, Up Facing Dog, Hip Flexor, Dynamic Hamstring Stretch, 90/90 Stretch, Cat Cow Stretch, Standing Quad Stretch, Shoulder Stretch, Chest Stretch, Back Release, Torso Twist
MONTAGE: Apply The Pressure performed by Jim Junk
Up Next in 30 Mins
BODYPUMP #127 30 min - Español
Duration: 28 minutes
Equipment: Barbell, Hand weights, Bench or step
Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Honey Wu, Hope Bowie, Amy Lu, Des Helu, Levi Farrell, Anthony Oxford, Bronté Terrell, Charlotte Ranque, Maxime Vigeant, Lula Slaughter1. WARM-UP
Don't Forget My Love interpretada por Team Geist qu... -
BODYPUMP #126 30 min
Duration: 28 minutes
Equipment: Barbell, Handweights, Bench or step
Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Lula Slaughter, Marlon Woods, Reagan Kang, Bronté Terrell, Maddalena Boccella, René Vogel, Rebecca Reznicek1. WARM-UP
About You performed by Isakah made famous by NOTD feat. Nightly
Moves: Deadlift... -
BODYPUMP #126 30 min - Español
Duración: 28 minutos
Material: Barra, Step ajustable, Discos
Instructores: Glen Ostergaard, Lula Slaughter, Marlon Woods, Reagan Kang, Bronté Terrell, Maddalena Boccella, René Vogel, Rebecca Reznicek1. WARM-UP
About You interpretada por Isakah que popularizó NOTD feat. Nightly
Movimientos (de e...