10 Seasons
Enjoy a beautiful blend of yoga, tai chi and Pilates that will improve your mind and body. As you bend, stretch and breathe, you improve flexibility, develop full-body strength, and enjoy a feeling of focus and calm.
58:42Episode 1
BODYBALANCE #98 55 min
Episode 1
Duration: 58 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Yayoi Matches, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Kylie Gates, Summer Bradley, Khiran Huston1. TAI CHI WARM-UP
Lose Your Head performed by Maximum Comment made famous by London Grammar
Moves: Wide Wu Chi, Arm Sweep with Press, Chi Ball Sequenc... -
58:42Episode 2
BODYBALANCE #98 55 min - Espaňol
Episode 2
Duración: 58 minutos
Material: Esterilla de yoga (opcional)
Instructores: Yayoi Matches, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Kylie Gates, Summer Bradley, Khiran Huston1. TAI CHI WARM-UP
Lose Your Head interpretada por Maximum Comment que popularizó London Grammar
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Wide Wu Ch... -
49:56Episode 3
BODYBALANCE #98 45 min
Episode 3
Duration: 49 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Kylie Gates, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Summer Bradley, Khiran Huston1. YOGA WARM-UP
Eloise performed by Vionos made famous by Penny and Sparrow
Moves: Extended Mountain Pose, Side Bend, Baby Back Bend, Forward Fold, Lunge Sequence, Kneelin... -
42:32Episode 4
BODYBALANCE #98 45 min - Espaňol
Episode 4
Duración: 40 minutos
Material: Esterilla de yoga (opcional)
Instructores: Yayoi Matches, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Kylie Gates, Summer Bradley, Khiran Huston1. YOGA WARM-UP
Eloise interpretada por Vionos que popularizó Penny and Sparrow
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Extended Mountain Pose, Sid... -
33:41Episode 5
BODYBALANCE #98 Flexibility
Episode 5
Duration: 33 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Yayoi Matches, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Khiran Huston, Kylie Gates1. TAI CHI WARM-UP
Lose Your Head performed by Maximum Comment made famous by London Grammar
Moves: Wide Wu Chi, Arm Sweep with Press, Chi Ball Sequence, Step In, Press Pal... -
26:18Episode 6
BODYBALANCE #98 Flexibility - Espaňol
Episode 6
Duración: 26 minutos
Material: Esterilla de yoga (opcional)
Instructores: Yayoi Matches, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Khiran Huston, Kylie Gates
Lose Your Head interpretada por Maximum Comment que popularizó London Grammar
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Wide Wu Chi, Arm Sweep wi... -
20:03Episode 7
BODYBALANCE #98 Flexibility Short
Episode 7
Duration: 20 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Fraser Beck, Khiran Huston, Joash Fahitua1. HIP OPENERS
Just a Cloud Away performed by Totalisk made famous by Pharrell Williams
Moves: Happy Baby Pose, Supine Hip/Glute Stretch, Swan Pose, Swan Pose with Quad Stretch and PNF, Extended Swan ... -
BODYBALANCE #98 Flexibility Short - Espaňol
Episode 8
Duración: 14 minutos
Material: Esterilla de yoga (opcional)
Instructores: Fraser Beck, Khiran Huston, Joash Fahitua
Just a Cloud Away interpretada por Totalisk que popularizó Pharrell Williams
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Happy Baby Pose, Supine Hip/Glute Stretch, Swan Pose, Swan... -
07:52Episode 9
BODYBALANCE #98 Meditation
Episode 9
Duration: 07 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Kylie Gates1. RELAXATION / MEDITATION
Uno performed by Staying True To Bread made famous by Deuter
Moves: Relaxation, Meditation -
35:07Episode 10
BODYBALANCE #98 Strength
Episode 10
Duration: 35 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Kylie Gates, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Summer Bradley, Yayoi Matches1. YOGA WARM-UP
Eloise performed by Vionos made famous by Penny and Sparrow
Moves: Extended Mountain Pose, Side Bend, Baby Back Bend, Forward Fold, Lunge Sequence, Kneelin... -
27:44Episode 11
BODYBALANCE #98 Strength - Espaňol
Episode 11
Duración: 28 minutos
Material: Esterilla de yoga (opcional)
Instructores: Kylie Gates, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Summer Bradley, Yayoi Matches
Eloise interpretada por Vionos que popularizó Penny and Sparrow
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Extended Mountain Pose, Side Bend, Baby B... -
14:48Episode 12
BODYBALANCE #98 Strength Short
Episode 12
Duration: 14 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Kylie Gates1. SUN SALUTATIONS
What Falling In Love Is For performed by Polly Roxx made famous by Emmit Fenn
Moves: Sun Salutations Sequence, Down Dog, Plank Pose, Crocodile Pose, Baby Cobra Pose, Lunge, Forward Fo... -
14:48Episode 13
BODYBALANCE #98 Strength Short - Espaňol
Episode 13
Duración: 14 minutos
Material: Esterilla de yoga (opcional)
Instructores: Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Kylie Gates
What Falling In Love Is For interpretada por Polly Roxx que popularizó Emmit Fenn
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Sun Salutations Sequence, Down Dog, Plank Pose, Cro... -
22:59Episode 14
Episode 14
Duration: 22 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Kylie Gates, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Summer Bradley1. YOGA WARM-UP
Eloise performed by Vionos made famous by Penny and Sparrow
Moves: Extended Mountain Pose, Side Bend, Baby Back Bend, Forward Fold, Lunge Sequence, Kneeling Lunge, Down D... -
17:13Episode 15
BODYBALANCE #98 Yoga - Espaňol
Episode 15
Duración: 17 minutos
Material: Esterilla de yoga (opcional)
Instructores: Kylie Gates, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Summer Bradley
Eloise interpretada por Vionos que popularizó Penny and Sparrow
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Extended Mountain Pose, Side Bend, Baby Back Bend, Forwa... -
55:47Episode 16
BODYBALANCE #97 55 min
Episode 16
Duration: 55 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat (optional)
Presenters: Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Khiran Huston, Yayoi Matches, Kylie Gates1. TAI CHI WARM-UP
Good Nights performed by Madd Hunting made famous by Whethan feat. Mascolo
Moves: Wide Wu Chi, Side Bend with Palm Press, Breath Swings in Wid... -
55:46Episode 17
BODYBALANCE #97 55 min - Español
Episode 17
Duration: 55 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat (optional)
Presenters: Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Khiran Huston, Yayoi Matches, Kylie Gates1. TAI CHI WARM-UP
Good Nights performed by Madd Hunting made famous by Whethan feat. Mascolo
Moves: Wide Wu Chi, Side Bend with Palm Press, Breath Swings in Wid... -
51:58Episode 18
BODYBALANCE #97 45 min
Episode 18
Duration: 51 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Fraser Beck, Joash Fahitua, Khiran Huston, Yayoi Matches, Kylie Gates1. YOGA WARM-UP
You & Me performed by Everlasting Pie made famous by DWY
Moves: Hip and Hamstring Stretch, Hip Bridge, Childs Pose, Extended Cow Pose, Crouch Pose, Down Dog... -
43:22Episode 19
BODYBALANCE #97 45 min - Español
Episode 19
Duración: 43 minutos
Material: Esterilla de yoga (opcional)
Instructores: Fraser Beck, Joash Fahitua, Khiran Huston, Yayoi Matches, Kylie Gates1. YOGA WARM-UP
You & Me interpretada por Everlasting Pie que popularizó DWY
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Hip and Hamstring Stretch, Hip Bridge, Childs P... -
32:12Episode 20
BODYBALANCE #97 Flexibility
Episode 20
Duration: 32 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat (optional)
Presenters: Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Khiran Huston, Kylie Gates1. TAI CHI WARM-UP
Good Nights performed by Madd Hunting made famous by Whethan feat. Mascolo
Moves: Wide Wu Chi, Side Bend with Palm Press, Breath Swings in Wide Wu Chi, Lunge... -
26:10Episode 21
BODYBALANCE #97 Flexibility - Español
Episode 21
Duration: 26 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat (optional)
Presenters: Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck, Khiran Huston, Kylie Gates1. TAI CHI WARM-UP
Good Nights performed by Madd Hunting made famous by Whethan feat. Mascolo
Moves: Wide Wu Chi, Side Bend with Palm Press, Breath Swings in Wide Wu Chi, Lunge... -
16:53Episode 22
BODYBALANCE #97 Flexibility Short
Episode 22
Duration: 16 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Fraser Beck, Kylie Gates, Joash Fahitua, Khiran Huston1. HIP OPENERS
Show Me performed by Reikola made famous by Big Wild feat. Hundred Waters
Moves: Happy Baby Pose, Frog Pose, Swan Pose, Extended Swan Pose, Swan Pose With Quad Stretch, Mer... -
14:19Episode 23
BODYBALANCE #97 Flexibility Short - Español
Episode 23
Duración: 14 minutos
Material: Esterilla de yoga (opcional)
Instructores: Fraser Beck, Kylie Gates, Joash Fahitua, Khiran Huston1. HIP OPENERS
Show Me interpretada por Reikola que popularizó Big Wild feat. Hundred Waters
Movimientos (de ejercicio): Happy Baby Pose, Frog Pose, Swan Pose, Extende... -
06:00Episode 24
BODYBALANCE #97 Meditation
Episode 24
Duration: 06 minutes
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Presenters: Joash Fahitua, Khiran Huston1. RELAXATION / MEDITATION
Sky Whisper performed by Prismatic Abbey Avenue made famous by Stanton Lanier
Moves: Relaxation, Meditation